Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Monotropa uniflora (Indian Pipe, Ghost Plant, Corpse Plant)

I accredit this post to Jacob who taught me this today.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I finished my printmaking class this semester which means I got a lot of work back. Some of the stuff I liked the best was doing monotypes towards the end of the semester.
These were oil painted with mineral spirits on plexi-glass and then put through a press. Enjoy!

"Spore Bloom", Monotype

"Fallen Log (With Witnesses)", Monotype

"Mabel and the Phantasm", Monotype

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More Ghost Spore

In the moistest dark of evening
fuzzy spirits tingle in the breeze
by the phosphorescent glow of nightcaps
play their fingers across sleeping trees
and from the aging bark spring up
with chiming, ghostly delight
the tiny mushroom children
the clammy flowers of the night.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Sketches from class this morning.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

"Garden Scene"

"Garden Scene"
Wall painting from the dining room of the Villa of Livia at Primaporta, near Rome

Amazing image I came across while studying. Sadly, the best online image of it I could find. Distressed frescoes have such a beautiful and fragile feel to them.

"Air Leak"

"Air Leak"
collage on paper

This is a collage for my drawing and composition class I did this week. I've always thought collage was a bit of a "hit-or-miss" medium with a lot more misses than hits. However, I like how this turned out. The concept sort of evolved as I pasted things I like together but the idea of an astronaut (or maybe deep-sea diver?) experiencing an air leak appeared. I used a lot of images of bacteria to give the idea of the body breaking down and apart. There is also a Byzantine icon feel to it with the colors and haloed figure. I've been studying a lot of Byzantine art and some of the holy icons really blew me away. The second half of this project is a large scale drawing based on the collage which I've yet to start working seriously on.
I actually have a test tomorrow morning on Roman and Byzantine art and I'm much less prepared than you would think. Pictures to follow post.


I've been working around with thoughts for this project for the past month and wanted to create an area to put all my ideas (aside from various sketchbooks I keep for this purpose). I really got interested in the idea of processes of decay and viewing them in a different light. The main intention was to base the project in three dimensional stylized pieces based on shapes of fungi, spores and other elements of decay. I've branched out further from that, and at this point am tackling the "dekay" project from all different media and essentially playing around with some concepts I find interesting. Much of my original ideas were inspired by current "designer toys" (StrangeCO, Kidrobot, and Friends With You, to name a few) and the music video "Hands Remember" by Seabear.
I have never worked in three-dimensional sculpture before so I am having a lot of fun starting out, playing with various clays, plastics and other crafty little things.

Jim Woodring's Mr. Bumper at

Friends With You

Seabear's "Hands Remember"